The White Glove Maid Service

Sarah’s Story: House Cleaning and Milk Covered Floors

milk spilling photo

Have you ever had one of those crazy days where everything goes wrong all at once? My friend, Sarah, had one of those days recently when she decided to do some house cleaning.

She’s a young mom of 3 little kids and was scurrying around her house to get things cleaned up. She heard some splashing noises coming from her kitchen and immediately knew what her two year old was up to. She rounded the corner to find that her two year old son decided to pour his milk onto his highchair tray and was using his hands like a high speed windshield wiper to clean it off. She immediately dropped what she was doing to take care of her milk covered floor, walls, window and curtains.

Of course her four year old daughters sees the distress that mommy is in and decides to step in and help. She stands up in her highchair and leans over to “help” mommy wipe little brothers tray off. Her elbow hits her own cup of milk, knocking it off her tray, sending it souring to the floor in slow motion. A milk bomb explodes in the kitchen as it hits the wood floor. There’s nothing left to do except stand there in shock and cry laugh.

Can you relate to Sarah’s crazy day? I know I can. Those days happen to all of us. Just remember, if you get in a bind, and need some last minute rescue help, we’re here for you. We are the “official rescuers of your crazy day.” We send our maids out twice a day all around San Antonio to clean houses just like yours. Allow us to rescue you from your crazy morning by sending you a reliable, professional cleaner by 1pm. Same day service is hard to beat. Don’t let your crazy morning last beyond lunch time. Call us at 210-342-3878 for a house cleaning rescuer nearest to you.

Make Ready Cleaning

If your home is vacant and you’re in need of a deep cleaning, our Make Read Cleaning is the best option for you. Our Make Ready Cleaning offers the same routine as our Move Out Cleaning. Our services are specifically designed from leasing and rental agent clean out checklists. We are well known in the San Antonio area and highly recommended by many realtors and landlords (click here to view our recommended Realtor).

Call now for a personalized, no obligation and free house cleaning estimate 210-342-3878.

Kitchen - White Glove Maid Service

What is a Make Ready Cleaning?

  • This is a deep cleaning designed for homes and apartments that are vacant of all furniture and personal belongings.

Why should I choose this type of cleaning? 

  • Our Make Ready cleanings are the deepest cleanings we offer for vacant homes and apartments (they are the same as
  • This cleaning is designed to meet many (if not all) of the requirements set by landlords and leasing offices.
  • By choosing this cleaning, you will save yourself days of hard work and intense labor.

What does the Make Ready Cleaning include? 

  • Our Make Ready Cleaning offers the same cleaning as the Move-Out Cleaning.
  • The Make Ready Cleaning includes everything from cleaning out your appliances, dusting the celling fans, wiping down baseboards, scrubbing out the bathtubs and showers, sweeping and mopping the floors, vacuuming the carpets, and much more.
  • To get a specific rundown of what this cleaning includes, call us for a free, no obligation quote at 210-342-DUST.

With the White Glove Maid Service you can rest assured that your house or apartment will be taken care of professionally and done right. Customer satisfaction is our number one priority (and we mean that). We also offer professional dry carpet cleaning and professional tile and grout cleaning to meet all of your Make Ready needs.

5 Brilliant Tips for Keeping Your House Clean this Summer

Lady drinking tea

Summer is here!

The strawberries are juicy, the blueberries are on sale, and the watermelon is irresistibly juicy.

Vacation planning is in full swing as you map out your dream destinations. Everything is falling into place except one thing.

Your house.

Unfortunately, the spiderwebs, dirt, and grease don’t take the summer off.

Staying on top of your house cleaning throughout the summer can be quite the chore. There’s nothing worse than coming home from a relaxing vacation to find your house a wreck.

These 5 tips will help keep your house looking fresh all summer long:

  1. To avoid dish pile-ups, make a habit of loading your dishwasher every night before bed.
  2. Dust makes a house look dirty. Take 10 minutes a day to quickly dust one room in your house. At the end of the week your house will be shining.
  3. A bedroom looks 75% cleaner if the bed is made. Make your bed every morning and your bedroom will instantly look better.
  4. Clutter destroys order. Take a 5 minutes every night to pick up the loose clutter throughout your house. Clean surfaces portray cleanliness.
  5. *Brilliant idea* Have a “time out box” for your kids toys. If they don’t clean up their messes each night before bed, any toy found lying around goes in the “time out box” for one day.

There you have it!

5 simple and brilliant tips for keeping your house clean this summer.

What other ideas can you come up with? We’d love to hear them in the comments below.

“White Glove Maid Service – Creating Smiles One House at a Time.”

Photo Credit: | Ambro

Easiest Spring Cleaning of Your Life

White Glove Spring Cleaning

The sun is shining, the flowers are blooming and spring cleanings are in the air. You notice your neighbor with her yellow rubber gloves on. She’s in the spring cleaning spirit. Her house is looking fresh.

You know your house needs a deep spring cleaning, but you just don’t have the time to get it all done. Kids, work, family, church…life is busy. Too busy. Your toilets are dirty and your baseboards are covered in dust. The inside of your oven is full of muck and your fridge is starting to smell.

Okay. Pause.

Before you throw in the towel, we have an idea. In fact, we have the solution for the easiest spring cleaning of your life. Time is money right? For the amount of time it would take you to do a spring cleaning on your house, you could pay a professional company to do it for you.

And that’s where things get really easy.

We just so happen to specialize in spring cleaning services at the White Glove Maid Service. Simply call us for a free quote, schedule your service, and wala! Before you know it your house will be shinier than your go-getter neighbor’s.

So why not call us for the easiest spring cleaning of your life? Our direct office is 210-342-3878, or visit us online here. TTYS!

Photo Credit: | Modern Kitchen by Paul Sutcliffe

Why Professional Move Out Cleanings are the Smartest Choice


White Glove Maid Service Move Out Cleaning

Move out cleanings are the dread of every person moving out of their house or apartment. If you’re renting, you’ll be sure to receive a detailed list of daunting cleaning tasks from your landlord. If it’s a home you own, you’ll inflict this dreaded checklist upon yourself.

But why sweat it if you don’t have to?

Moving is already stressful enough without the added load of scrubbing toilets and showers. Leave the dirty work to someone else. Give yourself a break by hiring a professional move out cleaning service to do the job for you.

In fact, we just happen to specialize in San Antonio move out cleanings here at The White Glove Maid Service.

Our team of highly skilled professionals is ready to make your house shine.

For more info, check out our Move out page or call The White Glove Maid Service for a free over the phone estimate: 210-342-3878.

Allow us to take over your checklist for you.

Photo credit: |Removals by Ambro


4 Major Benefits of a Spring Cleaning

Clean kitchen

It’s hard to believe that Christmas and New Years are long over and Spring time is just around the corner. Where did the time go?! Since time flies so fast, it’s easy to lose track of things. I know I do. One of the easiest things for me to lose track of is keeping my house clean. I finally decide to lock down and do a deep spring cleaning, and before I know it 4 weeks have passed and my house needs another deep cleaning.

I actually talked to a lady on the phone today who has been planning to clean her house for several weeks…10 weeks to be exact. She didn’t know where the time went since she decided to do a spring cleaning. She finally caved in and decided to do the smartest thing -call a maid service. She called us today and now she is booked for a deep spring cleaning this Friday. The deep dust in her house will finally be removed!

Hiring a company to do a Spring Cleaning is one of the smartest ways to assure your family that it will get done.

Here are four major benefits of a Spring Cleaning:

  1. Say goodbye to dusty baseboards and windowsills. Imagine a house with shiny clean baseboards and windowsills all of the time… not just once a year.
  2. No more hard water and mold in your shower/tub. Image taking a shower without looking at black grout and slimy tile – ever.
  3. A fridge that smells as good as it looks. Picture what it would be like to open up your refrigerator and to find the inside shiny and clean. No more crumbs, spills, and smells.
  4. Your ceiling fans will blow without cobwebs hanging on them. Imagine it – you turn on your fan and it spins swiftly without showcasing your dust.

So what’s keeping your house from looking this good? The White Glove Maid Service offers the perfect solution for a shiny house that makes you look and feel good…all the time. Call us today and ask about our amazing Spring Cleaning.


Photo credit: @ Maggie Smith

St. Patrick’s Day Green Cleaning

White Glove Green Cleaner

What comes to mind when you think of St. Patrick’s Day? For most people, visions of the color green is the first thing that comes to mind. Will you be sporting green this coming March 17th? We will at the White Glove Maid Service. Our maids will be decked out in their dark green cleaning shirts (never mind that they wear green all the time). But clothing isn’t the only green thing we’ll be sporting this St. Patrick’s Day.

Unlike other maid services, we make an intentional effort to use many earth friendly, or “green” cleaning products. In fact, our HOST dry carpet cleaning product is the greenest cleaner on the market right now. We know how to get the job done right without using unnecessary harsh chemicals on your house.

Give your house a treat this St. Patrick’s Day with a “green” house or carpet cleaning from the White Glove Maid Service.

31 Ways to Deep Clean Your House Naturally

Every house needs a good deep clean at least several times a year. I found this article to be extremely helpful in giving practical and helpful tips on how to do a deep clean on your house with using mostly natural/household products. House cleaning doesn’t have to be overwhelming if you take it one step at a time.

Here are a few tips that I found extra helpful:

  • Scrub out your greasy oven with baking soda, dishwashing liquid, and vinegar.
  • Get grease out of your stove filter vents with a toothbrush and Greased Lightning.
  • De-scale your faucets with the help of some paper towels and vinegar.
  • Freshen and deodorize your mattress with baking soda.

For more great tips and photos, check out this article. Happy cleaning!

Organic House Cleaning


The White Glove Maid Service is the best house cleaning business in San Antonio. Call us for all of your house cleaning needs.


4 Tips for House Cleaning on the Go

Like most Americans, you probably have a very busy schedule. Finding a long period of time to buckle down and get anything done can be hard. Cleaning your house is no exception. So how does a busy person find extra time to clean their house? These 4 tips for cleaning on go are here to help. Instead of waiting until you have a large chunk of time (who does?), look for small pockets of time to clean as you go.

4 Tips for Cleaning on the Go:

1. Wake up 10 minutes early and use that time to make your bed and remove clutter from your room. A room looks 50% cleaner when the bed is made.

2. Instead of letting the dishes pile up, quickly load them into the dishwasher each morning before you leave the house.

3. Divide your house into 5 sections. Assign one day a week to cleaning that specific section. At the end of each week you will have cleaned your entire house.

4. Keep your cleaning products handy and available at all times. Purchase extra sets of cleaning supplies and rags and keep them hidden in each room. When you have a spare moment, grab your easily accessible supplies and do some quick, light cleaning.

By applying these 4 easy tips, your house will stay clean without having to sacrifice a large chunk of time to do it. For more great tips on Cleaning on the Go, check out this article from TLC. Happy cleaning!

House Cleaning on the Go


Check out more great tips from the White Glove Maid Service on our blog. We are proud to be one of the best maid services in San Antonio.

Photo credit: @ Marin.


Free House Cleaning Giveaways

house cleaning

Did you know that the White Glove Maid Service gives away a free house cleaning every time we send out an email to those on our mailing list? Winning a free house cleaning is easy and takes minimal effort on your part. Who wouldn’t want a professional maid to come into their house and clean for 3 hours for FREE? Jessica Bernstein is a client of ours and she won the December free house cleaning giveaway. She enjoyed a sparkling house just in time for the Holidays, at no cost to her.

Interested in winning some free maid service for your own home? All you have to do to qualify is sign up to be on our mailing list. When we send out an email, be ready. Depending on which email we send out, all you have to do is be the 1st, 5th, 7th, etc. person to reply to the email. We will let you know what number we’re looking for in each email. Many people don’t reply until much later, so winning is fairly easy if you’re on your game. Those of you with your email accounts on your smart phones are one step ahead. To sign up, simply send your email address to: [email protected], and in the subject box write: “Email Sign Up.”

We look forward to giving away more free house cleanings in the next few months. We hope to see you on the mailing list!


Photo Credit: > Stockphoto