The White Glove Maid Service

Free House Cleaning for Women with Cancer

The White Glove Maid Service supports the Non-profit organization of Cleaning for a Reason for one purpose; because it’s right. So many of us have been touched by cancer and it has left its mark; family members, friends, co-workers.

Since support can come in many forms, we at The White Glove Maid Service have chosen to provide a respite from the daily worries women with cancer face by offering our services while they undergo treatment. Where we gladly offer these services free to those in need, it comes with a price.

It takes a lot of time and money to get the word out on such a benevolent program, which must be supported through pledges from cleaning companies like ours, and donations from our clients, friends, and the general public like you.
If you know of a woman who is dealing with cancer and you would like to recommend her for the program, please go to and sign them up. Once they are approved, one of the San Antonio Service Partners will contact them and make all the arrangements.

Please spread the word. Do you know any women with cancer who would benefit from this? If you have had cancer in the past, what was most helpful thing for you in fighting it? Would you have wanted a free house cleaning?

Michael W. Baird

Free cleaning for woman with cancer.
Free cleaning for woman with cancer.