The White Glove Maid Service

3 Tips for a Great Back to School House Cleaning

The summer break is almost over, and you’re not only one who’s been on break this year. Your house has taken a break from looking shiny and clean. With the kids going back to school, it’s time to get your house back in order as well. For a quick do it yourself job follow these 3 house cleaning tips.

1. Clean one room per day. Don’t try to do it all at once.House cleaning in San Antonio is a hot job. Don’t try to do it all at once!

2. Get rid of all extra clutter. Old clothes toys etc.It will make the house cleaner and more open.

3. Start with the room that bothers you most. Then the second most etc. Each completed step will motivate you to the next.

If you don’t have time to do a house cleaning we’re here to help you. Start the school year off right with a deep spring cleaning with the White Glove Maid Service. Allow us to scrub out your bathtubs and showers, to clean out your refrigerator and oven, to sweep and mop your floors, to dust and vacuum your house. We know how to do get the job done. And we know what it takes to get a “summer break house” looking good again. Call us at 210-342-3878 to schedule your Spring Cleaning appointment today. Our Maid Service is here to help.

Maid Service San Antonio


Photo credit: @ Blue Sea 5